Who We Are
Humble Beginnings
Humility is the pathway to the heart of the Father.
Howard and Mei-Lie Rice, along with their family, have served in ministry for over 30 years both on the stateside and Asia. From church planting to missions, they have said, "Yes" to the call. Currently, they are heading a Praise & Prayer movement in the Lehigh Valley believing for a great outpouring of God's love and glory for the salvation of the lost.
We wrote a novel.
But it's interesting.
Even before my parents, Howard Rice and Mei-Lie Wang, met or knew Jesus as their Lord and Savior, God had His hand in their lives individually. While my father was in the Vietnam War, he sold “Holy Bibles” to earn some extra cash. He was already spreading the “Good News” without even being fully aware of it! Little did he realize how that book would transform his life in just a few short years. He met Mei-Lie while on a 3-day leave to Taiwan and this was the beginning of a faith-filled journey. After they married, my mother at the young age of 18, returned to the States with this soldier. She learned English by attending a women’s Bible Study; she literally was reading the Bible to learn the language! (Just like the colonist schooling in America) The Living Word is the anchor that has held them together for these past 50 years of marriage.
Howard and Mei-Lie Rice, (yes, my Dad’s family name is Rice) have served the Lord faithfully and responded with “Yes” each step of the way. Doesn’t God have a funny sense of humor, calling my father to the Chinese with a last name of Rice!
Howard & Mei-Lie, along with their 5 children, pioneered a church plant “Bethlehem Community Fellowship” located in Bethlehem, PA for ten years from 1985-1998. God then began to speak to them about the nations….one in particular…CHINA. With the “Yes” they pioneered a work at a university in China where they served faithfully from 1998-2008 and then back and forth through 2012. That university today continues to bear fruit with others who have responded “Yes” to the call. They next served with YWAM in Hawaii.
Thoughts From Jane
Sun Moon Lake Taiwan where they first met.
Howard and Mei-Lie in Asia
Howard and Mei-Lie in Bethlehem, PA, USA
Returning to USA
After coming back to the Stateside, they continued to support the local body. Next, the Lord did a new thing 2018-2020 as we partnered with the move of God in Taiwan called "Taiwan for Jesus 555" alongside Dr. Joseph Nasralla. The mountain of media was impacted as 2 Christian Cross TV stations were birthed..... to reach the 96% Buddhist and Confucianism population in Taiwan, as well as the Asian & Middle East with the Gospel.
We were given this verse, “Moses said to the Lord, You have been telling me, ‘Lead these people’, but you have not let me know whom you will send with me. You have said, ‘I know you by name and you have found favor with me.’ If you are pleased with me, teach me your ways so I may know you and continue to find favor with you. Remember that this nation is your people. The Lord replied, ‘My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”
Exodus 33:12-14
Blazing Glory Ministries pioneers the way and leads
the people. -
Father sends those who will labor with us in this great call as a family of God.
The ministry is developing and relies on God’s favor, provision and leading.
This nation “Taiwan/America/Israel” is your people.
God’s presence leads this ministry and gives us rest as He labors through us.
Jane Buscemi, Servant, Bridegroom Lover, Visionary/Builder, Missionary, Educator
Gary Nielsen, Shepherd/Pastoral Care/Mentor
Blazing Glory Ministries
Gary's pastoral heart begins with his family. He is married to Nancy and they have 2 adult children and 2 lovely grandchildren. He enjoys spending time with God in the great outdoors hunting, fishing, woodworking, landscaping and birdwatching.
Gary's kingdom destiny is alongside God's plan in seeing a Revival Center "HUB" being established. This HUB is a resting place "Tabernacle of David" hosting the greater glory that reaches beyond local, touching and going to the nations. He served on short term mission trips to India & East Africa.
He was mentored by and ministered alongside Reverend Timothy Decker at Community Christian Fellowship, Quakertown PA. His pastoral credentials are with the Assemblies of God.
His serving, loving ever expanding heart is a great addition to Blazing Glory Ministries. We are thankful for he and Nancy's commitment to this pioneering work.
I, Jane, their eldest daughter, am partnering in this call along with my children. We are a family from generation to generation carrying an Isaiah 55 Movement with Blazing Glory Ministries key verse being Isaiah 55:5
“Surely you shall call a nation you do not know, and nations who do not know you shall run to you, Because of the Lord your God, and the Holy one of Israel, For He has glorified you.”
We are believing for an outpouring of God’s glory to manifest in the USA and nations that they will know He is the LIVING GOD. Revival that leads to Awakening, societal Reformation & Kingdom Renaissance for this final Great Harvest of Souls is here.
The Praise & Prayer Movement is based out of the Lehigh Valley, PA. One of the KEYS the Lord has given is to RELEASE THE SOUND OF WORSHIP AND PRAISE that shifts the environment. We see hearts being restored, physical & emotional healings and salvations with the sound of praise & worship as we come together as one declaring God's goodness, decreeing His Words and Releasing Prayers that shift regions.
The Blazing Glory HUB & Family are brothers and sisters coming together to carry God's presence and love, to those in need of His touch. The HUB is launching Kingdom training, equipping and encouragement for the body of Christ. We welcome those to partner with this vision in prayer, saying “yes”, serving, and financially supporting. We are calling on "musicianary" mission teams to come and release the SOUND in the highways and byways; and to consider oversees missions in this vision of sending & going to the nations with the Gospel of Jesus in this next season.